Should I call this a start? Well…

On a random Tuesday morning with the most nonsense state of mind, I decide to write this!

Manish Pokhrel
3 min readJan 11, 2022

You can call this piece as my official entry to the Medium community, and by community, I mean the four people I follow- Ali Abdaal, Vedant Rusty, Ankur Warikoo and Naval Ravikant (all inactive profiles at this moment btw) because apart from these, I cannot expect much from my zero follower base. You can tell, I’m living in a bubble, but aren’t we all in that case?

I’m not expecting any good numbers on my writings anyway. That was never the reason for me to start writing online. I had been going though a dicey phase in my life, and was not in a good state of mind. My only motivator was the Eminem playlist, and I had all the tracks downloaded as mp3, just so I did not have to rely on the internet to boost myself when needed(PS: I’m from the Bluetooth era). His music was like therapy to me. But but but…this was all a passive process, and I wasn’t actively doing any work on it, so that felt dull after a while.

That’s when I remembered my school days and how I would write down my thoughts into essays and poems and have them put up for display on the Bulletin board, or the school magazine. I used to be proud of my writings then!

Now this nostalgia gave me a boost to vent out my feelings on paper once again! I tried, not gonna lie here, but I wasn’t the same carefree, easy-to-go, blunt teenager anymore. I just could not pen down anything. The only thing I could do was write a few quotables and poems (not exactly poems, it’s more than that, but that’s a different story for some other day)on my Notes app on phone. I was also becoming a procrastinator and a couch potato eventually (I still am to some extent).

So after months of laziness and procrastination, fast forward to the New Year’s Eve 2022. I sat down with a sheet of paper and the first checkbox I made was “Get Fit” , followed by “Start a Blog”. Mind you, I wasn’t a beanbag or something, it’s just some belly-fat and cheek-fat that I wanted to shred. But I wasn’t writing for sure!

You could tell by that Ronaldo stare in the background that I was serious about this!

The list had a few more goals, but let’s stick to the writing story. I had read a thread on Twitter about “Documenting your work” and I was fascinated by the idea. The next thing, I decided to start blogging and documenting my work online. I did a bit of research about online blogging sites and platforms, and I was once again fascinated by Ali Abdaal’s recommendation towards using Squarespace for that matter. But at the end, it all boiled down to the price factor and Medium was the victor. It was also because I had read Vedant Rusty’s blog a few days back on Medium, and had the first impression right then. Although it took me a lot more days to gather the urge to finally move my stiff fingers on my old PC keyboard, but never mind.

What matters is, I finally gathered my guts and energy and finished writing this piece! Regardless of how bad my writing has become, or how it still resembles the typical ICSE-school-essay format, this is the product, a document I wish to keep right here. Maybe one day in the future, few years from now, I’ll visit this first piece of writing and relive this feeling. Till then, I’m looking forward to a lot more sessions on Medium, so if, by chance, anybody is reading this, ummm…I have nothing much to say.

Maybe stay tuned? Well, just hang on!

